Booty Madness! March 14-28 (FREE!)


The title of this blog post says it ALL. If you care about sports and things, March is about sports and the Madness of it all!! (Right!?) Since I don’t really care that much about sports and things, but I DO care about my body, eating well, being healthy and challenging myself, I’m extending an invitation to you all to join me for two free weeks of BOOTY MADNESS! In the vein of how important sports are to some people, we will focus our energy on our booty (and sports, if you like!) in preparation for spring and summer!

14 Days of

The best part is that it’s free. The second best part is that you can do the workouts whenever you want that day, because they’re all streaming online! We’ll be using the amazing home workout program, Brazil Butt Lift with Mr. Leandro Carvahlo. You can watch the promo video here.

Here are 3 reasons why you should join in the fun! (I’m sure I could think of more if I tried!)

-It’s free! (The first 30 days of Beachbody On Demand are free!)

-The workouts are mostly between 30 and 40 minutes so even if you don’t think you have a lot of free time, you can probably most definitely fit these in somewhere in your day!

-You don’t need to go buy any additional equipment (although sometimes very light dumbbells are used, but you can use cans of beans or something like that!)

We’ll be following the first 14 days of the program, but you’re welcome to continue using Beachbody On Demand if you wish to finish the full 60 day program. The results can be really amazing!


As always, please don’t hesitate to message me with questions or just to tell me, ADD ME TO THE GROUP! 😉

Peace, love and bootys,


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